At Health and Safety 101, we know that the health, safety, and wellbeing of workers is important to leaders in any organisation, we also know that it can sometimes be complicated, challenging or confronting.
That's where we can help. Health and Safety 101 provides a broad range of services that can be specifically aligned with individual organisation or industry requirements.
We pride ourselves on providing our clients with the best people, with the right skills, knowledge and experience, that will partner with clients to deliver practical solutions.
We are award winners in health and safety Culture, proficient in all aspects of legal Compliance, experts on how to manage Critical Risks with robust controls, we are passionate about the Wellbeing of workers.

Health and Safety 101 understands the importance organisations and leaders place on business continuity and consistency with health, safety, and wellbeing, we also know it can be challenging to maintain focus and direction when between staff.
Health and Safety 101 is able to provide qualified and competent contractors for fixed-term durations, part-time permanent roles, to lead or support a specific project, or to cover leave or a vacancy.
Our team is agile and experienced to seamlessly integrate into any organisations across most industries. We see ourselves as part of the business and experienced enough to hit the ground running, cutting down any disruption to the business or health, safety & wellbeing focus.

We are able to provide our clients a fresh perspective as a new set of eyes and provide added value to their health, safety, and wellbeing journey.
Research shows that compliance such as following the rules, implementing policies and procedures and holding accountability if someone does something wrong will improve the health and safety performance of an organisation. Unfortunately, this will level out and eventually flat line, all well before achieving long term goals or strategies, and at the same possibly creating an unjust or negative safety culture.
The key to long term sustainable success is to engage with your workers, involve them in all aspects of health, safety, and wellbeing as they are the ones who hold the answers. It is also crucial to utilise and nurture health and safety committees, display genuine and authentic leadership and have a clear well-communicated plan or objective.
It is beneficial that there is a clear standard or level of expectations, and all workers know what is expected of them. There are consistency and transparency on how the organisation and leaders lead health and safety positively, aligned with the values and ways of interacting, this is having a just culture (A just culture is the opposite of a “blame culture”).
Health and Safety 101 are award winners in health and safety culture, providing clients with expert advice, support and facilitation in Safety 2, Just Culture, and developing an engaged health and safety culture.
Connecting workers with the “WHY” through improved engagement, leadership and standards

Organisations or Person Conducting Business Undertaking (PCBU’s) must meet all aspects of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA), this is to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of their workers. This means senior leaders must execute their duty as an officer and have the assurance that they are doing everything required to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of their workers.
They must be able to continually review their workplace practices to make sure they are up to date, relevant to meet legislative compliance.
It can be complicated, detailed, and sometimes very overwhelming.
Health and Safety 101 will make the complicated practical. We partner with our clients, their leaders and workers to provide tailored solutions or frameworks covering all aspects of workplace health and safety compliance. With such experience in the team, we pretty much cover it all.
Some examples include:
Assessing or audit the current health and safety performance that includes governance, leadership and worker consultation & participation,
Provide practical advice on oppertunities for improvements, develop meaningful reports or dashboards that align with the strategic direction and KPI’s,
Auditing, reviewing or writing fit for purpose policy and procedure management systems in line with regulations and standards at an ISO 45001 or AS/NZS4801 level
Review Critical Risk
Develop and implement Critical Risk management and mitigation strategies or processes,
Undertake regular inspections or audits,
Work with the leadership teams to provide strategic direction and assurance.
Activating Health and Safety Committees
Ergonomic and Manual Handling Assessments and Training
Incident Investigations (ICAM) including working with Worksafe investigators
Emergency Management Planning
WorkSafe Enforcement Support
Facilitate WorkSafe SafePlus Self Assessments
Using Plan-Do-Check-Act process
Critical Risk
Traffic management, contractor management, hazardous substances, machinery & equipment, electricity, safe systems of work, working at heights, stress or violence are some of the critical risks that workers may be exposed to within an organisation. Different organisations will have different critical risks, but all critical risks have the potential to cause serious harm or fatalities to workers.
The likelihood of them occurring may be low, although the consequences are high, usually catastrophic.
Managing critical risks starts with identifying and understanding what your work-related health and safety risks are. It then involves doing what is reasonable and practicable to eliminate those risks. Where the risk cannot be eliminated, it must be minimised so far as is reasonably practicable.

Worksafe expects every organisation to manage their critical risks effectively e.g. having a strong, sustainable process or framework, where the controls are robust enough to ensure workers are kept safe, thus meeting their duty of care.
Health and Safety 101 is proficient in working with clients to identify their critical risks and co-create a critical risk mitigation framework or process to an ISO 31000:2018 - Risk Management standard.
Working with our clients, we can facilitate and develop or co-create “Critical Risk Bowties” a risk management framework that meets industry best practices and legal requirements.
We can provide our clients assurance by facilitating desktop audits or gap analysis and providing a full report for the Board or Senior Leadership teams.

Wellbeing is the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. It includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose, and the ability to manage stress. More generally, wellbeing is just feeling well. Wellbeing is something sought by just about everyone because it includes so many positive things — feeling happy, healthy, socially connected, and purposeful.
Wellbeing emerges from thoughts, actions, and experiences, most of which we have control over. For example, when we think positive, we tend to have greater emotional wellbeing.
When we pursue meaningful relationships(inside and outside of work), we tend to have better social wellbeing. And when we are not engaged in our jobs, or just hate it, we tend to have lower workplace wellbeing.
Unfortunately, Wellbeing appears to be declining in the workplace, while workplace stress, commercial expectations, pressure and bullying increase. Increasing your well-being can be tough without knowing what to do and how to do it.
Health and Safety 101 has a passionate team who partner with our clients to incorporate the Four Ways to Wellbeinginto the workplace, with proven actions to help people find balance, build resilience and improve overall wellbeing.
Cognitive – Cognitive or mental wellbeing is one of the most valuable business assets. Workplaces that prioritise cognitive health have better engagement, reduced absenteeism and higher productivity, while people have improved wellbeing, greater morale and higher job satisfaction.
Physical – When we improve our physical wellbeing, not only do we feel better, our newfound health can also help prevent many diseases, boost our emotional wellbeing, and limit the number of health challenges we have to deal with in our lives. It also provides more energy and ability to focus on work or tasks longer.